Important note

This document is only applicable to Wirepas Raspberry Pi prebuilt images version 1.3 onward.


In this How To you’ll build a functional Wirepas Mesh Gateway using Wirepas prebuilt images for evaluation. The Gateway will allow you to connect your local Wirepas Mesh network to a server using MQTT interface.

What you'll learn

  • Building and Flashing a Raspberry Pi Image with Wirepas Gateway drivers
  • Configuring the Wirepas Gateway Driver
  • Configuring the Wirepas Mesh Sink node in the Gateway
  • Test the Wirepas Gateway API over MQTT
  • Understanding the Wirepas Gateway architecture

What you’ll need


  • Raspberry Pi model v.3 or v.4 with appropriate power supply
  • Micro SD-Card minimum 8GB class 10
  • Micro SD-Card adapter depending on your PC configuration
  • A Wirepas Sink connected to the Raspberry Pi via UART or USB and programmed with Wirepas Dual MCU Application.


  • Balena Etcher software installed on your PC to flash the SD-Card:
  • Wirepas Raspberry Pi image (lite version) downloaded from Github (latest version) on your PC. Please note that the Full version with Desktop is provided for convenience. One should prefere the lite version.
  • Optionally: A Wirepas Backend with associated credentials and Wirepas Network Client available from Wirepas. In case you do not have a Wirepas Backend you will be able to use the built-in local MQTT broker running in the gateway to test it.


The Raspberry Pi does not need to be connected to internet for initial setup. Nevertheless to be sure the latest gateway driver is installed and to be able to communicate with it via SSH and the MQTT broker we strongly recommend to still connect it to the internet. 

By default the Raspberry Pi is enabled with Ethernet / DHCP which remains the preferred option to operate. 

You can also use Wi-Fi which can be configured via multiple options:

  • Using the Desktop image (non lite) with Screen and Keyboard/mouse connected respectively to HDMI and USB ports
  • Using Headless setup (lite) with Command line

Please refer to the official tutorial for detailed instructions :

Shall you need static IP or a more complex IT setup, please refer to the Raspberry documentation.

The Gateway also needs to get access to some ports to operate:



Port TCP

Wirepas Backend (optional)



RPi local MQTT Broker



ssh console (optional)



In addition, if you use Wirepas Backend you will need to open the following ports on your PC for the WNT Client [1] to access the backend server (in addition to internet connection):



Port TCP

Customer Computer (WNT Client)

WNT Backend (AWS)

8811 (web socket)
8812 (web socket)
8813 (web socket)
8886 (web socket)

Getting Started

In a nutshell, Wirepas Gateway is an open source implementation of Wirepas Gateway Drivers implementing a Gateway to cloud communication via MQTT. The official repository is located here

Wirepas Prebuilt Raspberry Pi image consists of a standard Raspbian image with:

  • Wirepas Gateway driver based on a set of docker images (latest version)
  • Scripts executed at boot to configure Wirepas Sink and the connection to a remote MQTT broker via text file located in the FAT partition of the Raspberry Pi SD-Card.
  • A local MQTT Broker for test purpose in case the gateway is not connected to a server (Wirepas Backend or other MQTT Broker).

Shall you need more details about how the image is generated, please refer to the Github repository available here.

NOTE: This prebuilt image has been developed only for evaluation and prototyping purpose and is not targeted to be used in a production network. Default parameters are kept from all installed packages and images which can lead to security risks. More particularly, Wirepas default logins (from here) are kept, SSH is enabled by default and there are no credentials on the local Mosquitto MQTT broker. You need to pay attention on securing your Gateway upon your need.

In the next chapters you will create and configure the Gateway going through 4 steps:

  • Prepare the Micro SD Card
  • Configure the Wirepas Gateway Drivers and the Wirepas Sink
  • Start the Raspberry Pi
  • Check the Gateway

Prepare the microSD Card 

  • Plug in the micro SD card to your computer either directly or via an USB adapter
  • Start Balena Etcher on your computer
  • Select the prebuilt image, previously downloaded from Wirepas GitHub repository
  • Select the micro SD card as target, and click “Flash!”

At the end of the flashing process unplug and replug the micro SD card to your PC. You should see a new drive called “boot” with several files and a “wirepas” directory

The Raspberry Pi image is now programmed. In next Chapter we will configure it with the Wirepas Gateway and Sink settings

Configure the Wirepas Gateway Drivers and the Wirepas Sink

Wirepas Gateway driver and sink configuration can be fully managed via text file located in the micro SD card. It avoids the need to connect to the gateway via screen or SSH to input parameters.

To do so, download the sample configuration files from Wirepas Github Repository:

  • gateway.env is used to configure the Sink and Transport services
  • sink.env is optional and can be used to configure the sink node locally

Configure your gateway.env

The gateway.env file is used to configure the Wirepas Gateway drivers (sink and transport service) as described here. The configuration file includes 3 parts: driver version selection, Sink service configuration and Transport service configuration.

For the MQTT connection, the Raspberry Pi image provides by default a local MQTT Broker that runs permanently. You have also the possibility to configure a connection to your own MQTT broker as explained below.

Open the file gateway.env 

  • on your computer with a text editor like Notepad application to reflect your configuration (don’t use Wordpad as it will change the file encoding which shall be UTF-8).
  • using your preferred editor if you are on the Raspberry Pi already (in /boot/wirepas)

Configure the docker images version to use

# Select the version of wirepas Gateway to use:
#   - "latest" (default if  not set): the gateway will use the latest official release,
#     and at each reboot, the gateway will check if there is a new release to upgrade
#   - "edge":  the gateway will use the top of gateway master branbch. At each reboot,
#     the gateway will check if there is a new release to updgrade
#   - "v1.3.1", "v1.4.0"...: any tag available from docker hub

The GATEWAY_TAG shall be set to latest as it will keep the Wirepas gateway driver up to date at each gateway reboot.

If for any reason you need insure the version in use do not get updated then you can set the tag to any specific version listed here. We recommend you to use the latest one if you are starting with Wirepas products.

Configure the sink service

# Sink service configuration
# On which port the sink is attached (ex: /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyAMA0 if using a rpi hat)
# Uart bitrate of the sink. It depends on the build configuration of dualmcu_app (ex: 115200, 125000, 1000000)

The sink service needs 2 parameters:

  • WM_GW_SINK_UART_PORT shall be configured with the peripheral on which the Wirepas Sink board is enumerated on the Raspberry Pi (usually /dev/ttyACM0)
  • WM_GW_SINK_BITRATE shall be set with the baud rate configured in the board (at compilation time).
    Default configuration is 125000 bauds/s:

Edit both WM_GW_SINK_UART_PORT & WM_GW_SINK_BITRATE in your editor to reflect your configuration

Configure the transport service

# Gateway unique id (used also as mqtt client name)
# If left blank, id will be automatically generated as a uuid based on your hardware
# Id can be any string as long as it is unique in your network. 
# Transport service configuration
# If you need more Mqtt settings; please check for additional parameters.
# Address of the broker to connect
# MQTT port (usually 8883 for secure access, or 1883 for unsecure)
# Username to connect to broker
# Password to connect to broker
# Uncomment following line to skip TLS check on brocker (uncomment it for local brocker)

The transport service configuration includes the parameters for the MQTT broker server and Gateway ID.

Gateway unique id configuration

The Gateway Unique ID is used to identify a Gateway in the Wirepas Gateway API (see: Wirepas Gateway API)
You can edit the WM_GW_ID upon your preference or keep the default setting which will generate a unique ID based on your Raspberry Pi hardware.

Remote MQTT Broker example

Below a configuration example with Wirepas Backend

# Transport service configuration
# If you need more Mqtt settings; please check for additional parameters.
# Address of the broker to connect
# MQTT port (usually 8883 for secure access, or 1883 for unsecure)
# Username to connect to broker
# Password to connect to broker
# Uncomment following line to skip TLS check on brocker (uncomment it for local brocker)

In case of a Wirepas Backend your credentials have been delivered by Wirepas via an email based on your server settings.

The MQTT broker credentials (username/password) to use are the ones defined for the “mosquittouser”.

Wirepas Hosted backend uses secured connection.

Note1: In case you want to use your own broker with unsecure access you need to:

  • Set the WM_SERVICES_MQTT_PORT to your MQTT broker unsecured port, typically 1883
  • Uncomment the parameter WM_SERVICES_MQTT_FORCE_UNSECURE=true

Note2: In case you use a secure connection, you need to comment the line #WM_SERVICES_MQTT_FORCE_UNSECURE=true

Remote MQTT broker configuration example
# Sink service configuration
# On which port the sink is attached (ex: /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyAMA0 if using a rpi hat)
# Uart bitrate of the sink. It depends on the build configuration of dualmcu_app (ex: 115200, 125000, 1000000)
# Gateway unique id (used also as mqtt client name)
# If left blank, id will be automatically generated as a uuid based on your hardware
# Id can be any string as long as it is unique in your network. 
# Transport service configuration
# MQTT port (usually 8883 for secure access, or 1883 for unsecure)
# Username to connect to broker
# Password to connect to broker
WM_SERVICES_MQTT_PASSWORD=<mosquittouser password>
# Uncomment following line to skip TLS check on brocker (uncomment it for local brocker)

Configure your sink.env

On your own computer, edit the sink.env in the same way as gateway.env file to reflect your configuration.

Below a configuration example 

# Initial Sink configuration
# Node address of the sink (Ex: 0x12345 32 bits max can be Hex or Decimal)
# Network address (Ex: 0xA1B2C3 24bits max  can be Hex or Decimal)
# Network channel (Ex: 2 valid numbers 1-40)
# 16 bytes authentication key for the network (Ex:000102..0F leave empty if not used)
# 16 bytes cipher key for the network (Ex:000102..0F leave empty if not used)
# Set node role to sink csma-ca (shouldn’t be changed)
WM_CN_NODE_ROLE="sink csma-ca"

Note: sink.env file will be automatically renamed to sink.success if the setup is properly applied to the sink at boot. In case you want to change your sink settings or if you connect a new sink, sink.success will not be applied until you rename it to sink.env.

Copy configuration files to uSD Card

When both gateway.env and optionally sink.env are ready, copy them to the uSD card in the wirepas folder. Once done eject the uSD Card and insert the card to the Raspberry Pi.

Start the Raspberry Pi

  • Connect the Wirepas sink
  • Connect other peripherals: uSD, Ethernet (with Internet access), optionally HDMI, USB keyboard and mouse.
  • Connect power cable

Board startup

At boot the software will automatically:

  • Resize the file system
  • Reboot
  • Install the Wirepas Gateway drivers (docker images pre-stored on the SD-card). Takes few minutes upon your SD card write speed
    • Note: 
      • if you did not specify any docker image tag version in the gateway.env file or the tag version is set to latest at the next reboot the gateway will try to download and install the latest driver version available.
      • in that case we recommend you to reboot the gateway once after the initial automatic configuration step is over
  • Configure the Wirepas Drivers as per the gateway.env and sink.env files
  • Start the Wirepas gateway driver docker services 

During the initial setup the Raspberry Pi will reboot once which is normal.

You can validate the drivers installation ended successfully by checking that all the docker images are started with

docker ps

and by checking that the output is similar to this 

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                      COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS        PORTS     NAMES
e4ba05123041   wirepas/gateway_transport_service:latest   "wm-gw"                  2 weeks ago   Up 39 hours             transport-service
40cf4d8774eb   wirepas/gateway_transport_service:latest   "wm-gw"                  2 weeks ago   Up 39 hours             transport-service-local
bcfd915787ae   wirepas/gateway_sink_service:latest        "stdbuf -oL -eL /hom…"   2 weeks ago   Up 39 hours             sink-service
76e277c459d1   wirepas/gateway_dbus_service:latest        "/etc/init/entrypoin…"   2 weeks ago   Up 39 hours             dbus

You must have four containers running:

  • sink-service
  • transport-service
  • transport-service-local
  • dbus

For additional information about the role of each container please have a look here.

Check the Gateway

You can check that your configuration is successful using the Wirepas MQTT console, alternatively using Wirepas Network Tool client if you have a Wirepas backend.

Using the Wirepas MQTT Console

Wirepas MQTT Console is a client to connect to your MQTT Broker (either the local one, a Wirepas Backend or your own broker running on your server). It is available to be downloaded locally on your machine directly (Wirepas MQTT Console Local Downloads) or from your favorite Web browser (Wirepas MQTT Console). The former is better suited for testing on the local MQTT Broker, whereas the later is better suited for the remote MQTT broker testing. 

  • Note 1: For the Web browser version, as the tool is hosted on an HTTPS domain, web browsers prevent downgrade of security. This explains why only secured connection is allowed (and this is not the case for the local MQTT broker set-up). In case an “unsecured“ connection is needed it is mandatory to use the standalone version of the Wirepas MQTT Console (see Note 2).
  • Note 2: If you download the local version, first unzip the downloaded archive, open the public folder, and open the index.html file in your favorite web browser. Unzipping the archive is mandatory for the Wirepas MQTT Console to operate normally.

As per the sake of simplicity, we are only detailing the unsecured connection to your gateway. 

1 - Enter the Raspberry Pi IP address if you use the local MQTT Broker. By default the Raspberry Pi is configured with DHCP enabled. To get the IP address of your Raspberry you need to get the allocated IP address from your DHCP server. Alternatively you can use tools like Angry IP Scanner or follow the tutorial from the Raspberry Pi foundation.

2 - Once configured you should be able to connect to the broker.

You should then see your gateway appearing in the Gateway panel. 

If you see this result it means your gateway is properly configured.

If you click on the available gateway, your sink should also appear. If not, please consider checking your sink is correctly connected.

If your sink is visible, select the Messages panel, you should see the log from the Wirepas nodes, if you have any (additional to the sink).

Using WNT client

Start WNT client on your Windows machine, and connect to your Wirepas hosted backend using proper credentials

On the main page, at the top left corner you see the connection status icon, which should be green, indicating successful connection to the backend.

In the Settings menu then Network Menu you should see your network listed together with the Sink address

Please refer to the WNT Client User manual [1] for more information.


Can I connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH

Yes, SSH is enabled by default, you can use software like Putty to install a SSH client on your PC. Once you have it you need to get the IP address of your Raspberry Pi either on your network. You can also use a terminal window straight on the Raspberry Pi if you use the Desktop image and have connected screen & keyboard.

Username and password are by default: login: wirepas / password: wirepas_pw

I have installed everything but it is not working

The root cause can come mainly from 2 reasons:

  • Sink not properly flashed - Make sure your sink is flashed with Dual MCU application compatible with you platform.
  • Wirepas Gateway drivers are not running:
    • To test status you should connect via SSH to the Raspberry Pi and check if both the Sink and Transport services are running.
    • To do so enter the following command
docker ps
  • then in the output (example given below) check the status in the “STATUS“ column. You should see both services running for about the same time
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                      COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS     NAMES
146cec538a72   wirepas/gateway_sink_service:latest        "stdbuf -oL -eL /hom…"   24 hours ago   Up 24 hours             sink-service
3b60b0ab69bc   wirepas/gateway_transport_service:latest   "wm-gw"                  25 hours ago   Up 24 hours             transport-service
  • to get additional information (example screenshot listed below) you can look at the containers logs with
cd ~/ && docker compose logs -t

Note: if you want to see the logs for a specific containers you can use

docker logs -t <container name>

where <container name> is sink-service or transport-service

  • to redirect containers logs to a file (e.g if contacting Wirepas support) the command to use is
docker compose logs -t --no-color > <output filename>

  • If the Sink service is not running, check you port configuration, it is usually because of improper /dev/tty selected or link speed.
    • To easily check the port, unplug the sink, plug it back and enter the following command:
sudo dmesg

There you will see what was the name given to your sink by Linux. Please, if necessary, update WM_GW_SINK_UART_PORT in gateway.env file.

How can I check the sink parameters ?

Yes, just connect to the Raspberry Pi console (SSH or screen) and enter the following command:

docker run --rm -v wirepas_dbus-volume:/var/run/dbus wirepas/gateway_transport_service wm-node-conf list

Here is below an example of what is returned by the command. Among others, you can find the Nodes address, Network address, Network channel and stack version.

Note : the “Could not import WPE handles (No module named 'grpc')“ and the warning messages can be safely ignored. 

Can I see the traffic coming from nodes in the gateway ?

Yes, you can print the traffic between the Sink service and the Transport service via the following command:

docker run --rm -v wirepas_dbus-volume:/var/run/dbus -ti wirepas/gateway_transport_service wm-dbus-print

Here is below an example of what is returned by the command. 

Note : the “Could not import WPE handles (No module named 'grpc')“ and the warning messages can be safely ignored. 

Can I install other stuff on the Raspberry Pi ?

Yes, the release is based on a Raspbian image. You can find more details about the installation scripts in the Github repository

It is working, am I good to go into the production ?

This pre-built images are meant for quick setup and are not designed to be product. Nevertheless the Wirepas Gateway drivers are available either as native or Docker component for integration in your production Gateway.


[1] Wirepas Network Tool Client User Guide

Revision History





Initial Version


Improved version.


Illustration updates and minor fixes


Updated links to Wirepas Terminal


Replaced reference to Wirepas Mesh by Wirepas Massive
Mention of wm-node-config tool in new prebuilt image
 Clarification on which MQTT credentials to use when connecting to a Wirepas hosted backend.


Add automated installation error fix instructions


Pre-built images v1.3.x only added support


Corrected Promistel USB Dongle UART baudrate values



  • default SSH credential in FAQ
  • Promistel Pi HAT UART baudrate

Added comment to redirect docker containers log into a file with a human friendly format


Replaced references to “Wirepas Massive“ by “Wirepas Mesh“

Clarified sink UART baudrate selection with typical board hardware

Removed references to Promistel’s Pi HAT and USB dongle, replaced by Nordic or Silabs dev kits

Added support for RPi images v1.3 onward

Removed support for older RPi images

Replaced MQTT.fx MQTT client by Wirepas MQTT Console Tool

Minor content fix

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Use of this document is strictly subject to Wirepas’ Terms of Use and Legal Notice.

Copyright © 2024 Wirepas Oy